Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Where it all started

I could give you the very long story that started most of my crafting but I will spare you.  It is rather depressing and will take away from happiness and color that I am going for.  The short side is that funds were on the limited side for Christmas this year so I was looking for a cost effective way to give the people I love something from the heart.  Once before I had given knitting a try so why the thought of hand knitted sweaters crossed my mind, in true Mrs. Weasley fashion, it did not go well.  It was miserable to epic proportion,if I am to be truthful.  So I needed to come up with some other projects. In the end I did and the following blogs will chronicle their creation.  

Since them I have been working on some additional projects that I will also add here.  My plan is to post the materials, steps and pictures of the projects I am crafting.  The blog allows for people that might have questions to leave them.  Or if you have an easier way to do something or a better idea you can leave it here too.  I am not claiming that any of the crafts I am posting are my original thoughts at all.  Some others showed me, some I got from other sites.  Feel free to share any links to crafts that you have tried that worked out.

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